Honor your Body in 2020

It seems every article you read at the beginning of a new year is about Resolutions, which makes most people feel like they fall short. I prefer to think of setting new intentions that nurture and care for my body and soul. It involves growth in all areas of life, but you get to decide what growth means to you. Let go of comparison and self judgement. And start by honoring your body. When you honor your body you honor your soul.

Most of my clients are striving to be their best. They want to grow and push themselves, sometimes, much too hard. Your body needs time to catch up. Many times when our bodies get sick or have an injury it can be a wake up call to take better care of ourselves. Be kind to yourself and give your body and mind what it needs.

I’ve had many overuse injuries over the years by working in fitness. Yoga has helped me learn to listen to my body, and in the process I learn what my soul needs. We have to slow down and realize that our body is our ally and it needs to be cared for. Unlike a car, we only get one body in a lifetime. Many people treat their cars better than they do their own body. Tune into your body. Listen. Are you feeling stiff? Is there pain? On days when your body isn’t feeling well, ask yourself how you can better nourish it. Maybe it’s eating more vegetables and fruits and giving your body a break from heavier foods. Maybe it’s going for a walk and doing some yoga instead of a hard core HIIT class. Your body will give you signals of what it needs, and when it needs it.

Just as we need to detox our bodies with healing foods, we also need to detox our minds by letting go of negative self talk. There is a time for growth and a time for rest. There is a season for pushing ourselves and a season to nurture ourselves. Be careful what you read and watch on TV. Is it nurturing your soul and helping you be your best?

When you take time to honor the needs of your body, you are taking the time to respect the needs of your soul.

My intentions in 2020 are to enter with awareness. I will take action on what I want more of in my life. I will let go of what no longer serves me, and I will show compassion to myself in the same way I’d offer it to someone else.

Yoga is a huge part of my self care. I love doing it on my own, teaching it to others in classes and in working with people 1:1.

Let me know if you’d like help getting started with your yoga journey.


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