Treat Yourself this Mother’s Day

Another Mother’s Day just passed. Maybe you’re a mother in the midst of child-rearing. Maybe you’re an empty nester at this point. Maybe you never had children. Or you may be one of my male readers. Regardless, my focus today is going to be on learning to treat yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it. The longer I live the more important that has become. It’s important to become your own best friend.

The picture above was taken in a hotel gym where I led a yoga class for girlfriends that had travelled to California to celebrate a friend’s upcoming marriage. The whole weekend was about celebrating life, friendship and doing fun things. We walked, we did yoga, we ate great food, and did wine sampling. Our last day together was spent on the ocean sailing. It was such a great weekend of self care. I understand that it can be hard to find the time and/or the money to do bigger things like a trip. However, everyone can make some space in their life to do some things that nurture their soul.

I’m going to ask you some questions today to get you thinking about what you might want to add to your life. I encourage you to take 10-15 minutes to journal these 3 questions.

  • What are some of the things you really enjoy doing that make you feel alive and nurtured? This should include both things that cost you money as well as things that are free.
  • What would you like to get rid of in your life so that you would feel more true to yourself?
  • What would you like to add to your daily routine that would make you feel more centered and grounded at this time in your life?

After you have written down you answers, really think about what you wrote. Then ask yourself what could you start doing today? This week or month? Or within the next year?

We have to take some time to reflect if we really want to live a purposeful life that matters to us. I ask myself questions like the above often and I occasionally change things up so that I can reach the goals I set for myself. One thing that I’ve realized how much I love doing is teaching yoga with individuals and small groups. I’ve become more intentional about sharing that and as a result I am getting to teach more yoga.
I’ve seen people learn how to minimize pain in their bodies so that they can do what they love. I just had a client tell me that she thought she might need a hip replacement, but after doing yoga with me for the past few months, she’s feeling much better. That is so rewarding for me.

Another thing I work to make time for is reading. I read inspirational books, yoga and wellness books, and lighter fiction for fun. I’ve joined a few book clubs that have been great.

I encourage you to really think about your life. What do you really need to make time for and what do you need to let go of. Every day is a gift. Choose wisely.

Have a great, happy, healthy and intentional day!

*** Be Still and Know ***


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