Breathe In, Breathe Out – Using Essential Oils to Recharge

One of my favorite ways to recharge my energy when I’m tired mid-day is to diffuse some essential oils and take some deep breaths. Even sitting still and taking 5 deep breaths can change the energy levels in my body. After a brief breathing break, I feel ready to move on to my next project.

Diffusing a mixture of peppermint oil, lavender and rosemary not only calms me, but also helps me to focus better. Rosemary oil diffused is also good for getting unwanted odors out of the air. Any of the citrus oil are also great to freshen the smell of your environment.

When I’m under the weather and feel congested I like to inhale or diffuse eucalyptus oil. You could also place 5-10 drops of eucalyptus oil on a warm, damp washcloth and place it in the shower just out of direct contact with the water before showering.

Do you need an oil to get you going in the morning? You might want to fill your diffuser the night before with some distilled water and this blend.

3 drops lemon essential oil
3 drops citrus fresh essential oil
4 drops peppermint oil

I personally use Young Living’s essential oils because I want a quality oil that has therapeutic qualities. If you’d like to learn more about oils, Click Here

I’d love to hear your ideas on what you do to recharge yourself.


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